About Living Word Church


Living Word Reformed Episcopal Church is a group of people brought together in Jesus Christ.  We are young and old, we represent four continents, we come from all sorts of background, but we are united by the Lord Jesus.  Together, we are committed to one cause: to proclaim the Good News that Jesus, crucified and risen, is Creation's Lord, that forgiveness of sins, and the life of God's kingdom are found in him.  We are a people who gather to worship our God and King.  We are a people who gather to pray with each other.  We are a people who gather to help and to exhort one another as we seek to live the life of the Holy Spirit and to be faithful to Jesus.


In 2001 a small group of Christians, desiring to be faithful to the Scriptures and to honour God, began meeting together.  They knew that the "Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12) and they sought to be faithful to this Word.  Several months later Living Word Church was born.  Most of those founding members were Anglican in background.  After several months of meeting without an ordained minister and without any kind of ecclesiastical oversight, they chose to affiliate with the Reformed Episcopal Church.  A year later, Bill Hedges, a retired RCAF colonel who had worked many years in lay-ministry with the Order of St. Luke, was ordained to serve as the church's first rector.  Pastor Bill was seventy-five years old.  Under his oversight the church grew from a small group of twelve to approximately sixty people.  In 2008, the Rev'd Bill Klock was called to serve as rector and has continued to serve since then.


Living Word Church continues to be affiliated with the Reformed Episcopal Church.  We are part of the Diocese of Mid-America, headquartered in Dallas, Texas.  Through the Reformed Episcopal Church, we are also part of the Anglican Church in North America, a province-in-formation begun in 2008 to bring together churches, dioceses, and jurisdictions from across the North American Anglican diaspora.