• The Rev'd William Klock

    Fr. Klock is the rector of Living Word Reformed Episcopal Church.
  • The Rt. Rev'd Charles Dorrington

    Bp. Dorrington is an assisting bishop in the Reformed Episcopal Diocese of Mid-America, providing local oversight for the Deanery of Western Canada. He is also the rector of Holy Trinity Reformed Episcopal Church in Langford, B. C.
  • The Most Rev'd Ray Sutton

    Bishop Sutton is the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church and Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid-America.
  • The Rev'd Dr. Matt Colvin

    Dr. Colvin teaches Greek, Latin, Philosophy, and Bible. He is also an assisting priest at Church of the Holy Trinity in Langford, B. C.
  • Mr. Beverly Smith

    Bev Smith is a retired lawyer and law professor and one of our lay readers at Living Word Church.
  • Mr. Peter Rabey

    Peter Rabey retired in 2016 from his position as senior pastor of Courtenay Fellowship Baptist Church.
  • Mr. Theo Devries

    Theo Devries is a pastoral intern at Courtenay Fellowship Baptist Church.
  • The Rev'd Brian Kirby

    Fr. Brian is a retired priest in the Anglican Network in Canada.
  • The Most Rev'd Royal Grote

    The Most Rev'd Royal Grote was our diocesan bishop and Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church.
  • The Rt. Rev'd Trevor Walters

    Bp. Walters is Suffragan Bishop of Western Canada for the Anglican Network in Canada.
  • Mr. Jim Louttit

    Jim Louttit was a long-time lay reader at Living Word.
  • The Rev'd Wolter Smit

    Wolter Smit is the retired pastor of Bay Community Church in Comox.
  • The Rev'd Bill Hedges

    The Rev'd Bill Hedges was rector of Living Word Church between 2002 and 2008.
  • The Rt. Rev'd Walter Banek

    The Rt. Rev'd Walter Banek is Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Mid-America and rector of Good Shepherd Reformed Episcopal Church in Tyler, Texas.